Welcome Message

A Welcome Message from Our Pastor

We want to thank you for visiting our website and we hope your visit on this site compels you to come and worship with us. As Pastor, I adhere to a 3P Ministry: Passion, Purpose, and People. I possess a PASSION with PURPOSE to save PEOPLE. Here at First Baptist, we have a passion for purpose.


First Baptist Church of Merrifield (FBCM) is a multigenerational, multicultural, and Spirit-led church on the cutting edge of ministry located in the beautiful Mosaic District in Merrifield, Virginia. We exist to reach, inspire, and impact local and global communities with the personal love of Jesus Christ. We are a committed church with a vision of transforming lives and our community. Moreover, we are an enthusiastic church with a deep passion to learn and obey God’s Word. FBCM exists to engage in holistic ministry without barriers and hindrances with a thrust to empower, engage, evangelize, equip, edify, exalt, and enrich. Our central purpose is to equip believers, empower saints, evangelize the lost, and edify God.


Our Vision is R.E.A.L.


Reaching the Lost: It is our vision to reach those individuals who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.


Empowering the Left-out: It is our vision to empower those individuals who are broken, weary, and wounded within the community. Our objective is to communicate the life-changing power of God’s Word and to empower them to discover and use their spiritual gifts to edify the body of Christ.


Assimilating the Least: It is our vision to integrate individuals from diverse backgrounds into our church family by helping them develop strong, healthy, and lasting relationships.


Loving the Lonely: It is our vision to love everybody regardless of one’s past. We endeavor to find ourselves by losing ourselves in the highest possible level of love, care, decency, and service to others. We believe that God values and loves all people regardless of their race, gender, economic status, educational level and various challenges in life.


We can’t wait to meet you!


With Love,


Paul A. Sheppard
Rev. Dr. Paul A. Sheppard